Dev Diary #2

Ready to catch some Chasers?

So part of the Dreamscape Chase level design will be having gates in each level that you need to open in various ways. Today I began working on one of these methods - catching a Chaser!

Basically, you get a Chaser to follow you to a marker on the ground, which will then cause a beam of light to shoot up, freeze him in place, and then open the gate for you.

Poor guy. He just wanted to suck your life away...

So the first thing I did was make a new C++ class for my ChaserCatcher. Set it up to have a UBoxComponent Trigger Box, UStaticMeshComponent Trap Mesh (a simple textured plane), UStaticMeshComponent Trap Beam, and a USceneComponent Trapped Chaser Location. I also gave it a TrapTriggeredSound to play when the Chaser gets caught. I set all those up in my Constructor with an OnComponentBeginOverlap.AddDynamic for my TriggerBox.

I then created my OnOverlapBegin() function, which ultimately ended up being this:

It basically runs on every frame because he's constantly overlapping the TriggerBox as I've currently set it up, otherwise he falls to the ground. I suppose I could try updating it later on to disable physics on him to see if he stays floating. But I might just make him get destroyed when the gate finishes opening. Decisions decisions.

Then I created a Blackboard Service to figure out if he's trapped or not and plugged that into my Behavior Tree:

Then I just filled in my meshes, made some textures, and caught me some Chasers!

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